FOI request (FOIR-402898741)
Accessible housing
Requested Tue 22 February 2022
Responded Tue 17 May 2022
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - The current Local Plan comprises: The Hastings Planning Strategy (HPS) 2011-2028 (Adopted 19 February 2014) & Development Management Plan (DMP) (Adopted 23 September 2015) & The Policies Map. And also the Waste & Minerals Plan documents developed by East Sussex County Council. The HPS sets out the Council's housing target to 2028 and the DMP the site allocations needed to meet that target. A new Local Plan is currently in production.
Q2 - Art least 3,400 net new homes 2011-2028, annualised 200 dwelling per annum.
Q3 - The Local Plan was produced and adopted prior to the Technical Housing Standards publication.
Q4 - See polices H2(e) & DM4.
Q5 - The Plan does not includes targets.
Q6 - The Plan does not includes targets.
Q7 - Hastings Borough Council does not own any housing stock, this was transferred to 1066 Housing Association (now Optivo) in 1996 as part of a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT).
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