FOI request (FOIR-402898741)
Accessible housing
Requested Tue 22 February 2022
Responded Tue 17 May 2022I am writing to request the following information on your Local Plans for accessible housing.
1. What is your current Local Plan for new housing? Please provide its name and dates.
2. How many new homes are planned under your current Local Plan? Please provide a yearly breakdown (financial year).
3. Does your current Local Plan for new homes include a technical accessibility standard?
4. What are the technical accessibility standard(s) detailed in your current Local Plan for new homes?
5. How many new homes are planned under your current Local Plan to meet a technical accessibility standard? Please provide a yearly breakdown (financial year).
6. Under your current local plan, of the new homes planned to meet a technical accessibility standard, how many are planned to meet the requirements of:- Wheelchair design standard
- Lifetime Homes Standard
- M4(1) Category 1
- M4(2) Category 2
- M4(3) Category 3(A)
- M4(3) Category 3(B)
I would be grateful if you could break down the data in yearly increments (financial year) where possible.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - The current Local Plan comprises: The Hastings Planning Strategy (HPS) 2011-2028 (Adopted 19 February 2014) & Development Management Plan (DMP) (Adopted 23 September 2015) & The Policies Map. And also the Waste & Minerals Plan documents developed by East Sussex County Council. The HPS sets out the Council's housing target to 2028 and the DMP the site allocations needed to meet that target. A new Local Plan is currently in production.
Q2 - Art least 3,400 net new homes 2011-2028, annualised 200 dwelling per annum.
Q3 - The Local Plan was produced and adopted prior to the Technical Housing Standards publication.
Q4 - See polices H2(e) & DM4.
Q5 - The Plan does not includes targets.
Q6 - The Plan does not includes targets.
Q7 - Hastings Borough Council does not own any housing stock, this was transferred to 1066 Housing Association (now Optivo) in 1996 as part of a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT).
- Wheelchair design standard
Freedom of Information
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