FOI request (FOIR-401916508)
Electric vehicle charging
Requested Thu 17 February 2022
Responded Wed 23 March 2022I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
- Does your authority have an electric vehicle charging transition strategy (or equivalent)?
- Have you published this strategy? If so, please provide a link to or copy of the document.
- How many public electric vehicle chargers have been installed within your authority’s jurisdiction?
- How many electric vehicle chargers have been installed within your authority’s jurisdiction in each of the last three years (2019, 2020, 2021)?
- How many electric vehicle chargers do you intend to be installed within your authority’s jurisdiction in each of the next three years (2022, 2023, 2024)?
[Background information: The UK Government are committed to phasing out new Petrol and Diesel vehicles by 2030. However, there are real concerns that not enough resource is being provided to ensure there is a public charging infrastructure that will be able to support the level of demand from electric vehicles that policy would entail. These requests are aimed at achieving a better understanding of where individual authorities are at in their efforts to provide public charging infrastructure within their jurisdictions.]
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
1. Hastings Borough Council (HBC) do not have a direct strategy for EV units but we do have a Climate Change Strategy as per: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my-council/policies-strategies/climate-change-strategy
2. This is published on website - as above.
3. HBC have installed 21 public EV chargers but other private companies have also installed public chargers such as Tesco's, Morrisons, BP Garage and others
4. 2019 - NIL, 2020 - 6, 2021 - 15
5. No further plans at the moment, we are working with East Sussex County Council to consider future EV infrastructure expansion and procurement options.
- Does your authority have an electric vehicle charging transition strategy (or equivalent)?
Freedom of Information
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