FOI request (FOIR-394680154)
Requested Thu 20 January 2022
Responded Fri 04 March 2022I would be grateful if you would provide details of your current contract covering reprographics/print arrangements as follows.
1. Number of MFDs (Multi-functional devices) and photocopiers at Hastings Borough Council.
2. Name of incumbent.
3.Start/end date of contract.
4. Details of any extension options.
5. Is this a managed service?
6. What framework used?
7. Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to above).
8. Is there a support contract on above? If yes state start/end date.
9. Does the council have a Print Room?
10. If yes, name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options.
11. What print software does the council run?
12. Who supplies your outsourced print requirements?
13. Start/end date of contract.
14. Name of person responsible for print at the council.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
1. 13
2. Canon (UK) Ltd
3. Start Oct 17, End Oct 21
4. Rolling contract
5. Yes
6. East Sussex Procurement Hub
7. None
8. Yes, rolling contract
9. No
10. Not applicable
11. Uniflow
12. Various companies
13. Not applicable
14. Verna Connolly, email: vconnolly@hastings.gov.uk
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