FOI request (FOIR-387413432)
Parking Fines
Requested Tue 21 December 2021
Responded Thu 23 December 2021As per the FOI Act, how many parking fines has your authority issued each financial year for each of the last five full years?
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued (minus voids, spoils, warning notices and test tickets) for off street (car parks) only.
On street parking is enforced by East Sussex County Council (ESCC), please visit their website for further information:
We do not hold information for 2016-17 and 2017-18.
2016/17 Financial Year - Information Not Held
2017/18 Financial Year - Information Not Held
2018/19 Financial Year - 3593
2019/20 Financial Year - 3778
2020/21 Financial Year - 2915
Freedom of Information
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