FOI request (FOIR-387040607)
Flooding DCs
Requested Mon 20 December 2021
Responded Thu 20 January 2022I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to find out from the local authority how many homes it has allocated as part of its local plan to be built in medium and high-risk flood-zones?
The information relates to the council’s latest local plan. However, if the council’s local plan is out of date then please supply the number of homes that are currently allocated in its draft, examination or final adoption form clarifying this detail.
A high-risk flood zone is designated by the Environment Agency (EA) as a flood zone 3 whilst a medium flood-risk zone is designated as a flood zone 2. However, the local planning authority should provide this information based on its own designation of flood zone 3a or 3b.
I would prefer to receive this information electronically, preferably as a data set in Excel and not as a PDF, to include the following information:
- The name of the local plan e.g. Wirral's Local Plan 2020 to 2035
- The number of homes allocated for flood zone 2 area e.g. 5,500 homes in a flood risk 2 area.
- The number of homes allocated to be built in a flood zone 3a and 3b e.g. 3,000 homes in flood risk zone 3a and 500 homes in zone 3b
- Details of any planned infrastructure flood defences that accompany the local plan e.g. a new hard wall to be installed along the river X, reducing X many homes from a high risk to medium risk.
Name of local plan: Hastings Local Plan - Development Management Plan (DMP) Adopted 2015 time period: 2011-2028 Allocation Policy Site Reference number Site Name Flood Zone Indicative site capacity FB2 Former West St. Leonards Primary School 2 & 3a 100 FB3 Seaside Road, West St Leonards 3a 120 FB6 Cinque Ports Way former Stamco Timber Yard and TA Centre 2 & 3a 25 FB9 190 Bexhill Road 2 32 HTC2 Cornwallis Street Car Park 2 10 - The name of the local plan e.g. Wirral's Local Plan 2020 to 2035
Freedom of Information
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