FOI request (FOIR-381884529)
Buildings sold
Requested Mon 29 November 2021
Responded Fri 03 December 2021This is a request for information about the number of buildings and plots of land sold by the council since January 2010.
Could you please provide a list of council owned land and buildings that have been sold since January 1, 2010, up to the present day?
Electronic records only go back as far as 2011.
In 2011/12:
Chichester Road 3-4
Plot P Menzies Road
Silverhill Public Conveniences
Land in Coventry Road
Philip Cole Close
Land at Place Farmhouse
Land at Fairlight Place
Gensing Manor
Some substations (details not held electronically)
Land at Theaklen Drive
Land adj 188 Harold Place
Land adj 40 Tilekiln Lane
Land adj 115 Ghyllside Avenue
Land at Parkstone Road
Land at Wellington Mews
In 2012/13:
Land at Menzies Road r/o substation
Stables Theatre
Land at St Helens Road
Land n/e Hillside Road
Land r/o 6 Playden Gardens
Land r/o 5 Playden Gardens
Land r/o 4 Playden Gardens
>Land r/o 15 Amherst Road
Land r/o 38 Tilekiln Lane
18 East Parade
Land at 36 Tilekiln easement
Land adj 1 Fishpond Cottages
Land adj 4 Wellington Gardens
Land at Fairlight
Part of YMCA site
Beaufort Road site
Land adj Summerfields House
Land r/o Windsor Road
In 2013/14:
Pound House
Southwater Road 4
Land r/o 2 Playden Gardens
Land adj 34 Edinburgh Road
41/42 Carisbrooke Road
Fairlight Place Farm Barn
Land at Downey Close
Land at Old London Road
In 2014/15:
Land at Redgeland Rise
Bridge cafe, Bexhill Road
Little Warren Cottage
Old Toilet Block (part) Rock-a-Nore
210 Harold Road
Land adj 42 Tackleway
Land r/o 11 and 12 Watermint Close
In 2015/16:
Land at Darwell Close
Land r/o 427 Bexhill Road
Land South West of Mayfield Lane
72 Manor Road
21 Devonshire Road
Land adj 44 Collier Road
Castle Hill Road parking spaces
In 2016/17:
Land at Highfield Drive
Land at Fairlight Place
Land at Summerfields
Spring Cottage
Land at Hurrell Road
Upper Wilting Farm
In 2017/18:
Land r/o 25 Drapers Way
Land r/o 29 Drapers Way
Land r/o 26 Drapers Way
Land r/o 27 Drapers Way
Land at East Beach Street
Land adj 34 Wentworth Way
Land in Coventry Road
Stable Flat, Fairlight Place Farm
Upper Willting Farm land
Land at Church Street
In 2018/19:
Land r/o 23 Drapers Way
Land r/o 28 Drapers Way
Land r/o 3 Manston Way
Land r/o 4 Manston Way
Land r/o 2 Freshwater Avenue
Land r/o 4 Freshwater Avenue
Land r/o 5 Freshwater Avenue
Land r/o 6 Freshwater Avenue
Land off Burgess Road
Land at Mayfield Farm
Land r/o 9 Freshwater Avenue
Land r/o 1 Playden Gardens
Upper Wilting Former Farm Shop
Land r/o 3 Freshwater Avenue
Link Road CPO land
Plot D3 Whitworth Road
In 2019/20:
Land r/o 7 Freshwater Avenue
Land at the Pier
Land adj 108 Old London Road
Land adj 77 the Bourne
In 2020/21:
Land r/o 3 Playden Gardens
Land adj 64 Hoads Wood Road
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