FOI request (FOIR-379176707)
Lifestyle improvement services
Requested Tue 16 November 2021
Responded Fri 19 November 2021I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please confirm if it is the intention of the authority to commission, or recommission, either in isolation or combination any 'lifestyle improvement services' in 2022.
For the purposes of this FOI request, 'lifestyle improvement services' include:
a. Adult Weight Management
b. Child Weight Management
c. Family Weight Management
d. Smoking Cessation
e. Drug and Alcohol Support
f. NHS Health Checks
g. Physical Activity
h. Digital or Remote Lifestyle Support
The Council's Active Hastings team will commission 'Lifestyle Improvement Services' in 2022.
Freedom of Information
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