FOI request (FOIR-373415559)
Summary of removals from housing wait list
Requested Mon 25 October 2021
Responded Fri 05 November 2021I would like to request a breakdown of how many people have been removed from the council's housing waiting lists, together with the reasons for their removal (such as: leaving area, death, alternative housing found, and so on) and any other relevant data such as postcode of applicant and any demographic data held, for each of the following years:
1. 2017
2. 2018
3. 2019
4. 2020
5. 2021
I would like you to treat each year as a separate request and I would this information in Excel format with each removal listed on a new row.
Since 1st January 2017, there have been 3657 households 'removed' from the housing register.
The information requested as to why they were removed is held in the case journals and would mean a manual search of each case. This would far exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner. Section 12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit.
We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount.
However, I can advise that most households would have been removed due to the main applicant not completing/returning their annual review.
Please see below for the other information requested.
Cases with case status 'Removed' by gender:
2017 - 213
2018 - 123
2019 - 739
2020 - 808
2021 - 455
Total - 2338
2017 - 150
2018 - 89
2019 - 372
2020 - 401
2021 - 256
Total - 1268
Not Known
2017 - 8
2018 - 7
2019 - 20
2020 - 2
2021 - 2
Total - 49
2017 - 0
2018 - 0
2019 - 0
2020 - 2
2021 - 0
Total - 2
2017 - 371
2018 - 219
2019 - 1141
2020 - 1213
2021 - 713
Grand Total - 3657
Freedom of Information
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