FOI request (FOIR-366122687)
Children in care
Requested Tue 28 September 2021
Responded Tue 05 October 20211. How many looked after children do you support?
Please give a breakdown for:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
2. How many of these looked after children are currently living in a placement outside your local authority area?
Please give a breakdown for:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
3. How many of your looked after children are currently living in a placement more than 20 miles outside your local authority area?
Please give a breakdown for:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
4. How many of your looked after children are currently living in a placement more than 100 miles outside your local authority area?
Please give a breakdown for:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
5. How many of your looked after children are currently living in a placement more than 200 miles outside your local authority area?
Please give a breakdown for:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
6. How much did you spend on services for looked after children in:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
7. Can you provide a breakdown of how much of that spend was paid to private children's homes and accommodation providers for each of the following time periods:
a. 2018 - 2019
b. 2019 - 2020
c. 2020 - 2021
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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