FOI request (FOIR-362914355)
Honour Based Abuse
Requested Mon 13 September 2021
Responded Tue 12 October 2021We are beginning to map the prevalence of honour based abuse and forced marriage in the UK over the last 3 years. Our aim is to identify trends in local responses to honour based abuse by comparing local authority data with the data Karma Nirvana's honour based abuse national helpline collates.
Please could send me:
1. The number of initial assessments carried out for children because they were identified as at risk of honour based abuse.
2. The number of initial assessments carried out for vulnerable adults because they were identified as at risk of honour based abuse.
3. How many MARAC referrals have been received for victims experiencing honour based abuse?
4. The number of assessments of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness identified as experiencing honour based abuse.
5. How many domestic homicide reviews were undertaken during the following years?
a. 2017
b. 2018
c. 2019
d. 2020
6. For each year outlined above, how many of the domestic homicide reviews related to victims impacted by honour based abuse? Of these, how many victims were female? How many were male? How many were under the age of 18?
7. Honour based abuse training and awareness.
8. Is training provided to staff about honour based abuse?
9. If training is delivered, which staff receive, or are eligible to receive, this training? Is training compulsory and how is attendance/completion measured?
10. What format does this training take place (for example, e-learning, face to face)? How long does this training take to complete? How frequently is the training completed?
11. If training is provided, pleased provide a copy of the course objectives.
12. Is honour based abuse and forced marriage included within your safeguarding training framework?
13. Who delivers your honour-based abuse and forced marriage training? For example, external provider, in house/internally? If this is provided by an external provider, please state who this is.
14. How is the local authority assured that the honour based abuse and forced marriage training provider is suitably qualified to deliver the training?
15. How many times has honour-based abuse and forced marriage training been provided between 01.04.2018 - 31.03.19, 01.04.19 - 31.03.20, and 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021?
16. How many people have attended/completed training between 01.04.2018 - 31.03.19, 01.04.19 - 31.03.20, and 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021?
17. Which types of professionals have attended honour based abuse and forced marriage training between 01.04.2018 - 31.03.19, 01.04.19 - 31.03.20, and 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021? For example, social workers, police officers, voluntary sector.
18. Please provide a copy of the training material.
1. We do not refer. East Sussex County Council's Children's Services would complete the referrals (www.eastsussex.gov.uk).
2. 'Honour based abuse' is not an option within the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's H-CLIC data return. If a homeless household presents to us as a result of 'honour based abuse' then these cases would be recorded under 'domestic abuse'. For the number of domestic abuse cases please see Live tables on homelessness - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Most of our domestic abuse cases are actually as a result of domestic abuse from partner.
3. The MARAC referrals are not sent with any details attached. They just solely identify the victim, perpetrator and the family members. We advise if we are working with clients and the support that is being provided.
4. Please see Q2 above.
5. Information not held.
6. Information not held.
7. No question asked.
8. Training is provided by external providers as and when required.
9. The training would be compulsory for staff within the Housing Options Team who have direct contact with customers.
10. Training is face-face, through e-learning and Teams. The length of training varies depending on what is being covered and is carried out as and when needed.
11. As training is verbal, no actual training material would be provided.
12. Information not held.
13. External providers - Domestic Abuse Service.
14. We use Domestic Abuse Service to deliver the training.
15. Twice.
16. Information not held.
17. Training was available for Optivo's Tenant Support Officers and for staff within the Housing Options Team who have direct contact with customers.
18. Face to face / Teams - no training material was provided, as it was verbal training by the trainer. E-learning - staff 'read' information, they don't normally download information.
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