FOI request (FOIR-361852437)
Priority Need for Housing
Requested Wed 08 September 2021
Responded Tue 12 October 2021I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act to request the following information regarding priority need for housing:
1. In each of the last three years, how many applications have been made for priority housing where the applicant has stated they are at risk of:
a. domestic violence
b. other forms of violence
2. In the last three years, how many applications for priority need housing have been granted where the applicant is at risk of:
a. domestic violence
b. other forms of violence
3. Of the applications granted referred to in Q2a and Q2b, how many had their homelessness successfully prevented or relieved, or were offered accommodation under the main housing duty?
4. Whether the local authority has policy documents governing it's decision making process when an applications has been made for priority housing need on the basis that the applicant is at risk of:
a. domestic violence
b. other forms of violence
5. If the local authority has policy documents referred to in Q4, copies of those documents.
Q1, Q2, Q3 - Please see attached spreadsheet
Q4, Q5 - Please see 'Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities' which is available to view on the .gov.uk website at:
Freedom of Information
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