FOI request (FOIR-358149222)
Blue Badge Parking Spaces
Requested Mon 23 August 2021
Responded Mon 27 September 20211. How many Blue Badge holders are in your area?
2. How many council-owned parking spaces are there?
3. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders?
4. How many of these council-owned parking spaces are parent-child spaces?
5. How many fines are given out a month (on average) for people that park in Blue Badge spaces when they have no Blue Badge?
6. The same for parent-child spaces.
1. We do not hold this information, the Blue Badge Scheme is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
2. 1579 pay and display spaces, in addition to this we have dedicated permit only bays.
3. 103
4. We do not have dedicated parent-child spaces.
5. 01/04/20 to 31/03/21 56 Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for contravention 87 (parked in a designated disabled persons parking space without displaying a valid disabled persons badge), but this period was partly during lock down. 01/04/21 to 30/08/21 48 PCNs issued for contravention 87.
6. Not applicable.
Freedom of Information
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