FOI request (FOIR-357157573)
Managing data retention
Requested Wed 18 August 2021
Responded Tue 14 September 2021Under the Freedom of Information Act can you please provide me with an electronic copy of any policies, procedures or guidance that you issue to staff in relation to the management of electronic files/records within your Organisation?
Can you also supply me with a copy of :
Managing email
Do you have any policies or guidelines that encourage your employees to delete emails (for example, declutter your Outlook mailbox guidance) and manage their mailbox efficiently (please supply)?
Managing paper and electronic files
Do you have any policies or procedures which encourage your employees to destroy paper files and electronic records outside retention periods(please supply)?
Please send details of any projects or initiatives (for example, an Electronic Tidy-Up Day ) within your Organisation to reduce electronic file storage and data duplication of your files shares to comply with the GDPR and delete data that is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected.
Please list any software products used in your Organisation to remove redundant, obsolete or duplicate data or create automatic policies to clean your data or separate your important data for reporting, deleting, archiving.
Staff awareness
Please send me a copy of any email bulletins or intranet news and/or notices which encourage employees to manage paper and electronic records correctly within your Organisation.
Hastings Borough Council does not have a policy that is issued to staff in respect of the management of electronic files/records.
Freedom of Information
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