FOI request (FOIR-355609697)
Requested Wed 11 August 2021
Responded Mon 16 August 2021I would like to make an FOI request for the following information.
I would like to uncover more information relating to the following grant programmes:
1. Disabled Facilities Grant
2. SEN (Special Education Needs and disabilities)
3. Test and Trace Support Payment
4. Community Led Local Development (CCLD)
5. Local Growth Fund
6. Independent Living Fund
7. Revenue Support Grants
For each grant programme, could you please can you confirm the following:
a. The total amount awarded (in £)
b. The total number of applications
c. The total number of applications granted
If the FOI request is beyond the time/financial scope permitted by the FOIA, please narrow the scope by reducing the total number of grant programmes. They are listed in order of priority with the top 4 being the most important.
Could I also please get a reference number with this request?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Please note, Hastings Borough Council is no longer in receipt of Revenue Support Grants.
1. Disabled Facilities Grant (1st April 2020 to 18 February 2021):
a. £1,812,584
b. 56
c. 56
3. Test and Trace Support Payments:
a. £137,000
b. 843
c. 274
4. Community Led Local Development (CCLD):
Total grant amount approved as at February 2021 - £1,545,534
Total Expressions of Interest - 33
Total Full Applications - 17
Total Approved - 10
Total Withdrawn - 7
5. Local Growth Fund:
South East Local Enterprise is the funding organisation. Hastings Borough Council awarded £500,000 for its own project.
Preventing Homeless:
The council receives a Flexible Homelessness Support Grant to support our homelessness prevention activities. The spend can be found at https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my-council/transparency/budgets/
We are also the lead authority for the Rough Sleeping Initiative in East Sussex, details of this grant can be found at https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=3747&Ver=4 (minute 248)
We also secured funding to continue our rough sleeping reduction work through the Next Steps Accommodation Programme https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=4123&Ver=4
Business Support Grant:
Total Applications - 2143
Total Number Paid - 1742
Total Amount Paid - £20,235,000
Total Amount Received - £27,782,000
Percentage Paid - 73%
Freedom of Information
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