FOI request (FOIR-354195257)
Boating Lake on the seafront
Requested Wed 04 August 2021
Responded Thu 12 August 2021I need to speak to the person/s the Foreshore Trust's contract is with for the rental of the boating lake regarding putting in ramps to allow drowning, water-logged herring gulls to escape.
I understand that the Foreshore Trust has written to the operatives for the last 2 years and nothing has resulted.
By speaking to the person or persons, or limited company, I hope (and intend) to progress the matter and find a mutually beneficial solution.
Please supply the details of the lessee?
The tenant for the boating lake is:
Luxury Leisure
Fifth Avenue Plaza Queensway
Team Valley Trading Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE11 0BL
Tel: 0191 497 8200
Freedom of Information
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