FOI request (FOIR-353607307)
Housing, S106
Requested Mon 02 August 2021
Responded Fri 20 August 2021In accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I write with 5 separate requests for information:
1. How many affordable housing units have been provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments that were signed in financial years (a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, and (c) 2019/20?
2. What percentage of overall housing units in this local authority have been provided by as a result of these planning agreements?
3. How many of the affordable housing units provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments in 2019/20 were for (a) social rent, (b) affordable rent, (c) shared equity/shared ownership, (d) discounted market housing (including starter homes) and (e) other affordable housing tenure.
4. How much was received by the authority in S106 payments in financial years (a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, and (c) 2019/20?
5. How much money received via S106 agreements is held, unspent, by the local planning authority? How much of this figure is specifically earmarked for (a) affordable housing provision, (b) highways improvements (c) education contributions, (d) social infrastructure and (e) other?
1a. Please see page 11 of the Local Plan Monitoring report for affordable housing completions in 2017/18:
1b. 58 affordable rented homes were delivered on 2 sites in 2018/19, 32 at the Former Summerfields Business Centre and 26 at Winchester House, Pevensey Road. Both these have been developed in their entirety as affordable housing by a private Registered Provider
1c. In 2019/20 16 affordable rented homes were delivered on one site at the former Leolyn Nursing Home, 63-65 Pevensey Road which was developed in its entirety as affordable housing by a private Registered Provider. Affordable housing was provided on this site in excess of the Local Plan Policy requirement. Planning application and Section 106 details where applicable for these sites can be found online via the Planning application search facility:
2. Information not held.
3. See answer to question one.
4. All S106 money received (not just payments for affordable housing) equated to:
a. 2017-18 £312,330
b. 2018-19 £24,421.52
c. 2019-20 Table C of the Infrastructure Funding Statement confirms the monetary contributions secured through Planning Obligations received between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020.
5. Table F of the Infrastructure Funding statement confirms all the monetary contributions secured through Planning Obligations, received and unallocated and not spent at 31 March 2020:
Freedom of Information
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