FOI request (FOIR-344728859)
Disposal of Land at Church Street
Requested Fri 25 June 2021
Responded Thu 01 July 2021I refer you to what you legally informed me of under FOI request (FOI218453) Disposal of land at Church Street you had alleged ownership under your responses https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my-council/freedom-of-information/category/?id=FOI218453:
Further to this point requests have been made on the keep to provide 4 documents by way of reprographic order dated 16-04-2021 sent by signed for delivery. This information has not been provided on request for an unfathomable reason and I understand you have written you are not aware of any alleged fraud?
I refer you to my correspondence sent to your solicitors and Philippa Mungdon of the keep in which you was asked to provide copies of four documents in relation to said noted Bear Trust as detailed in the will of 1844-11-30 Last Will and Testament of William Lucas Shadwell transcript [PROB II 2008 page 36-39] PROVED 30th November 1844. Furthermore The last will and Testament of Countess Sarah Waldegrave clearly shows other parts of these lands was leasehold in keeping with 1844 Bear Trust.
Currently you have been alleged to have sold land and actively placed planning on these said land for profit as clearly shown on your Planning Website and this (FOI218453) Disposal of land at Church Street.
I therefore expect you to note a criminal felon Herbert Triton Sankey solicitor struck off the rolls in hearing in Canterbury, 16th March 1889 and of the abode of Margate in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent Esquire (married since 17th Day 1834) is alleged to hold in Trust by indenture 2nd July 1878 of this date made between Charlotte Anne Haywood of No 2 Old Prospect Place Peckham Rye in the County of Sussex spinster in the part of Herbert Triton Sankey could not act lawfully as a trustee and hold land and so being was a clear act breach of his criminal position.
To this point I ask you to firstly provide these documents or transcriptions under information requests to determine that you are fully aware of nature of the alleged fraud:
(1) https://www.thekeep.info/collections/getrecord/GB179_YCL_ACC9658_3_5_3
(2) 13th October 1862 By Indenture of this date made between Thomas Henbrey of Ore in the County of Sussex. Yeoman (a widower) of the one-part Spencer Hayward, one aforesaid builder of the other part.
(3) 21st November 1862 By Indenture of this date made between Sarah Countess Waldegrave of the part and the said Spencer Hayward of the other part.
(4) 2nd July 1878 Indenture of this date made between Charlotte Anne Haywood of No2 Old Prospect Place Peckham Rye in the County of Sussex spinster on one part and Herbert Triton Sankey of Margate in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent Esquire (Married since 17th Day of January 1834).
Clearly for any procedure involving Clearance of Church Street 1960 and subsequent General Vesting order by the Council been created. Then clear investigation of these documents must have manifested as reasonable concerns meaning your freehold scheme 47086 application TW47086/62 under HT19042 would be improperly conducted as signed 10th August 1962 by representative of council N P Lester. I understand you have already been cautioned in such offences in court in action taken on the old football ground on the ridge where clear information should be sought in any procedure of general vesting order. I expect then you to provide these documents which clearly you must have eyes on in 30 days as part of this General Vesting Order filed with plan to HMLR dated 30/1/2017 as is the nature of said request otherwise I expect you to rescind all application of title on these lands which you acquired without said due diligence.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in respect of this request.
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