FOI request (FOIR-340659996)
Section 106 - Clifton Road/Church Street
Requested Tue 08 June 2021
Responded Wed 16 June 2021Please provide section 106 agreement you signed of building on land on alleged bare-trust at corner of Clifton Road and Church Street Historically known as Vine Farm. Please supply these section 106 agreements under information request at your earliest convenience in respect to the land shaded pink.
The following S106's affect part of the land tinted pink on the plan provided.
S106 dated 31/10/2002 - Planning application HS/FA/01/00514
S106 dated 14/12/2007 - Planning application HS/FA/06/00663
Copies of these are available on our planning public access website at the following links on the documents tab.
HS/FA/01/00514 - https://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=_HSTBC_DCAPR_59196
HS/FA/06/00663 - https://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=_HSTBC_DCAPR_67177
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