FOI request (FOIR-338853023)
Requested Tue 01 June 2021
Responded Wed 04 August 2021I am a student currently studying a town planning degree at Leeds Beckett University and would like to make a freedom of information request as part of my dissertation for the following information if available:
1. What are the total number of households in your area?
2. How many commercial properties within your area are currently empty?
3. How many households pay council tax to the authority?
4. How many households are claiming a single person's occupancy?
5. How many people are on a local authority housing waiting list for housing in your area?
6. How many people within your area are currently considered to be homeless?
7. Over the past 5 years, how many residential properties have been constructed?
8. Over the past 5 years, how much money has the authority received from CIL and Section 106 agreements?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. <1>1. As of 09.06.2021 - 43,7972. As of 03.06.2021 - 3,638
3. 43,797 are liable to pay. Out of this number 605 are exempt from payment and 7,383 are in receipt of full Council Tax Reduction leaving 35,809
4. 17,447
5. There are 1317 households currently on our housing register
6. This information is published on .gov website and is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-homelessness
7. Between 2016/17 and 2019/20 942 net new homes (house and flats) were completed (this figure related to planning use class C3 and does not include other residential properties such as care homes, hospices and so on)
8. We have received £444,301.52 via S106 agreements from 2016-17 through to 2020-21. We do not have CIL agreements in the authority.
Freedom of Information
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