FOI request (FOIR-334067625)
Planning Application HS/PA/21/00234
Requested Wed 12 May 2021
Responded Thu 10 June 2021I am writing to make a freedom of information request in relation to the following planning application HS/PA/21/00234 for the Change of Use from Light Industrial (Class B1(c)) to single dwellinghouse (Class C3).
I am requesting specifically the following information: documents, letters, emails, faxes, records of telephone calls, minutes of internal/external meetings including planning notes in relation to the above application. I am keen to know of records of any communications with the applicant or any representative agent that may have taken place in relation to their decision to withdraw their application or otherwise. I am keen also to obtain any site notes, internal file notes or any other memo or internal correspondence in relation to site visits or surveys by any relevant parties.
I am further requesting all correspondence with consultees including but not limited to council tax, environmental health, highways and business rates and any correspondence with the applicant or agent acting on behalf of the application including with regard to contaminated land.
I am further requesting any information or documentation in relation to the initial decision to validate the planning application.
Please visit our website and use the planning tool to obtain information publically available regarding this application:
Please see attached email communications with the Agent.
Freedom of Information
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