FOI request (FOIR-324917505)
Rough sleepers
Requested Mon 12 April 2021
Responded Thu 20 May 2021I would be hugely grateful of you could provide me with answers to the following that relate to the 'Everyone In' programme, which aimed to move rough sleepers in accommodation and support them (as part of the COVID-19 response):
1. How much funding did your council receive from MHCLG as part of the initial 'Everyone In' programme (March 2020)?
2. Between the start of Everyone In (26/03/2020) and the 31/03/2021 March 2021, what was the total spend on sustaining the support for rough sleepers as part of Everyone In (that is, keeping people in accommodation, providing services they needed)?
3. Please list all of the additional funding sources that you have used between 26/03/2020 and 31/03/2021 to support this effort? (that is, if your council spent more on 'Everyone In' than the initial funding provided, where did this come from?)
4. How many people were housed under 'Everyone In' in your council area?
5. How many of these have been re-settled?
6. And how many have returned to rough sleeping (at the time of completing this request)?
1. The spend on rough sleeper services in response to the 'Everyone In' instruction through the Next Steps Accommodation Programme, Public Health and housing are available under item 279 at https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=4123&Ver=4
2. The spend on rough sleeper services in response to the 'Everyone In' instruction through the Next Steps Accommodation Programme, Public Health and housing are available under item 279 at https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=4123&Ver=4
3. This information can be found here: https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=130&MId=4123&Ver=4
4. 104 rough sleeper placements made since 23/03/2020 (however only 8 people placed under C19 / 'Everyone In' funding).
5. 29 people have moved on to settled accommodation.
6. 15 people have returned to rough sleeping.
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