FOI request (FOIR-316695574)
Empty Homes
Requested Tue 16 March 2021
Responded Wed 07 April 20211. Does the council currently use the services of an external tracing agent, research firm or genealogists to assist with finding owners of empty or presumed empty, privately owned residential property?
2. If so, which firm(s) has the council worked with?
3. Please provide the name, email address and direct telephone number of the officer or team that manages or monitors private residential empty homes matters.
Hastings Borough Council does not use the services of an external tracing agent, research firm, genealogist to assist with finding owners of empty/presumed empty private residential properties.
Our Planning Enforcement Team deals with these matters:
Email: enforcement@hastings.gov.uk
Telephone: 01424 451090
Freedom of Information
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