FOI request (FOIR-314051499)
Noise Complaints
Requested Mon 08 March 2021
Responded Tue 23 March 2021I am looking for information regarding the total number of noise complaints relating to construction work that the council has received from March 2018 to the end of Feb 2021, broken down into monthly figures.
To clarify, I am interested in information regarding construction work noise complaints specifically.
Where the information is available, please specify (in separate columns) how many of the construction noise complaints came from residential addresses / business addresses / unknown addresses.
If you do not have specific information regarding construction noise complaints available, I would like the total number of noise complaints between the specified dates (again, month by month). In this case, please highlight that this figure refers to ALL noise complaints.
Please provide the information in an editable Excel spreadsheet.
Please see attached spreadsheet containing the requested information.
Freedom of Information
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