FOI request (FOIR-313050879)
Digital transformation
Requested Thu 04 March 2021
Responded Tue 23 March 20211. Has your local authority appointed a chief digital officer or digital director (or equivalent job title responsible for overseeing the organisation's digital transformation)?
2. If so, what is your budget (or departmental budget)? Can you provide this budget for the previous three years?
3. Could you outline how much budget was spent on capital versus operational IT investments in the last financial year?
4. Could you outline how much budget was spent on 'subscription IT' (for example, SaaS cloud services, application subscriptions and so on) in the last financial year?
5. Does your local authority measure employee engagement with digital services? (for example, conduct a regular staff survey or host meetings to discuss whether employees are set up with the right IT to perform their job roles)
6. Does your local authority measure employee productivity linked to IT / digital investment?
1. No
2. Not Applicable
3. Information not held - Financial information is not recorded in this manner.
4. Information not held - Financial information is not recorded in this manner.
5. No
6. No
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