FOI request (FOIR-306486499)
IT Training
Requested Wed 10 February 2021
Responded Mon 22 February 2021I am looking for some specific information on costs associated to training and development within your authority's IT department. Please would you be able to provide the following information for FY 2018/19 and 2019/20 as separate figures?
1. Is your IT department internal, or outsourced to a third-party provider - for example, Capita?
If the department is internal:
2. How many staff were employed in the IT department?
3. What was the total amount spent on training and development for the department?
4. Of that amount, how much was spent on training from third party software suppliers, providing systems to the authority?
1. Internal
2. 11
3. Information not held
4. No training has been undertaken by a third party software supplier
Freedom of Information
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