FOI request (FOIR-305707630)
Collision Investigation / Prevention Prioritisation
Requested Mon 08 February 2021
Responded Tue 16 February 2021I am currently undertaking my dissertation as part of an MSc in Transport Planning and Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University. I am interested to understand how different Local Authorities approach Collision Investigation and Prevention (CIP) and what processes and policies are in place to support this.
I do appreciate the time it takes to compile a response to a Freedom of Information request and I do thank you in advance for taking the time to respond to the questions below.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information:
1. Do you have a policy in place to support your approach to Collision Investigations and Prevention and the schemes you put forward for delivery?
2. If the answer to Q1 is yes, can you please provide a copy of this policy?
3. If the answer to Q1 is no, do you plan to implement a policy in the near future?
4. Do you undertake an annual collision review?
5. If the answer to Q4 is yes, what criteria do you use to identify cluster sites or sites needing a safety scheme?
6. Do you use any software to help assessment collisions and identify concern sites? If so, what software.
7. Do you use a risk based approach to CIP? If so, please provide the criteria you use.
8. Do you use a GIS based system to map collisions or road characteristic to give roads a risk score or red, amber, green rating?
9. If you answered yes to question 8, can you provide the detail of how this risk score is achieved and confirm whether this information is publicly available via an online mapping system?
10. How many road safety schemes do you deliver on an annual basis?
11. What is your annual budget for road safety schemes?
12. How many potential schemes so you have for future deliver pending prioritisation or budget?
13. What level of funding would be require for your to deliver all known pipeline or potential road safety schemes?
14. Do you look for sites where there is a higher risk of collisions occurring based on the characteristics of the road or does your prioritisation focus on past collision numbers?
Hastings Borough Council does not have a policy in place to support our approach to Collision Investigations and Prevention or are looking at implementing one in the future.
Hastings Borough Council is not the Highway authority, this is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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