FOI request (FOIR-303511811)
Sexual health services
Requested Tue 02 February 2021
Responded Mon 08 February 2021My request relates to sexual health services funding and is as follows:
1a) The number of sexual health clinic locations in your boroughs for the financial year of 2019/20?
1b) The number of sexual health clinic locations planned in your boroughs for the financial year of 2020/21?
2a) How much did you spend on sexual health services for the financial year 2019/20 (Please could provide a total figure, this will usually include testing and treatment, contraception, advice and prevention. If possible, please could you also break down these figures into specific services. However, if you think this will take the FOI beyond the time-limit, a total will suffice)?
2b) How much do you plan to spend on sexual health services in the financial year of 2020/2021?
For questions 5-8, if targeted services include intersections across particular identity groups, please specify.
3a) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) did you provide for men that have sex with men in the year 2019/20?
3b) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) will you provide for men that have sex with men in the year 2020/2021?
4a) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) did you provide for sex workers in 2019/2020?
4b) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) will you provide for sex workers in 2020/2021?
5a) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) did you have for members of the black African or Caribbean community in 2019/20?
5b) How many targeted services (for example, clinics) will you provide for members of the black African or Caribbean community in 2020/2021?
If you still feel a substantive response to these parts of the request is not possible, please email me with a suggestion of how best to refine the request. I would suggest prioritising parts 1 and 2 of the request, though of course ideally all parts are preferred.
Furthermore, if part of the information in the scope of this request catches one or more exceptions please remember to apply a presumption in favour of disclosure, as stipulated by regulation 12(2).
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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