FOI request (FOIR-297389900)
Business Rates
Requested Mon 18 January 2021
Responded Tue 13 April 2021Please consider this request regarding Business Rates Accounts in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide the information below for every open/live account within your charging authority, preferably on an emailed Excel spreadsheet, along with the date the data was extracted from your system.
1. Details of any relief applied to the account including type, amount and date the relief was applied
2. Details of any applied exemptions where applicable
3. Current account holder/ratepayer
4. Property reference number
5. Account start date
6. Address and postal code
7. Correspondence or billing address
8. Account number
9. Current Rateable value (RV)
10. An indicator as to whether the property is occupied or empty
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, the department that held the information were heavily involved with COVID-19 grants which had to take priority.
Please see attached three spreadsheets; all accounts, all reliefs, all exemptions.
It is not possible to provide an account reference number as there are exempt under Section 40(2) personal data. This is an absolute exemption and will not be provided.
The data was extracted on 01 April 2021.
Freedom of Information
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