FOI request (FOIR-282826228)
FOI Request Women's Aid Federation of England
Requested Fri 11 December 2020
Responded Tue 22 December 2020If your local authority does not commission any domestic abuse services, please do skip questions 1) and 2) as only question 3) will be applicable.
If your local authority answered any or all of the questions in this FOI request last year and nothing has changed for any of the three questions, please let us know.
Q1. Please fill out this table with information about the all the domestic abuse contracts your local authority commissions.
a. What services do you commission for survivors of domestic abuse (adults and children)?
b. When did the current contract for this commissioned service start and what is its duration?
c. When will this commissioned service be re-tendered?
d. What is the total monetary value of the contract for this commissioned service?
e. Which organisation currently holds this contract?
Q2. Looking at your total current commissioned spend on domestic abuse provision, is it currently higher or lower or the same as when you last commissioned domestic abuse provision, and if higher or lower, by how much?
Q3. Does your local authority fund any domestic abuse services outside of a commissioning process? If so, please list them here.
a. What non-commissioned services do you fund for survivors of domestic abuse (adults and children)?
b. Funding amount (per financial year)
c. How do you fund this service?
d. Which organisation receives this funding?
Hastings Borough Council is White Ribbon accredited but not the commissioner of services - this is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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