FOI request (FOIR-275528158)
COVID support payments
Requested Mon 23 November 2020
Responded Tue 01 December 2020The UK government and devolved governments have implemented £500 support payment schemes for those who are told to self-isolate by their administration’s respective testing and tracing scheme.
These schemes are being executed by local authorities.
I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Since the support scheme’s beginning, on a weekly basis by week ending:
1. The number of applications received for the £500 support payment.
2. The number of £500 payments that have been made to those eligible for the payment based on government guidelines.
3. The number of £500 payments that have been made on a discretionary basis by the council.
4. If it is not possible to separate the payments by eligible and discretionary, please provide one number for the total number of £500 support payments each week.
5. If collating the data by week would cause the request to exceed the cost limit under section 12 of the FOIA then please submit the information as a total since the inception of the scheme.
6. I would like the data to be presented as a .csv or .xlsx conforming to the template attached.
1. Applications received Main 31, Discretionary 15
2. Seven Main payments made:
w/e 16/10 - three
w/e 23/10 - two
w/e 6/11 - one
w/e 20/11 - one
3. Two Discretionary payments made both in w/e 6/11
Freedom of Information
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