FOI request (FOIR-274537112)
Felled Trees
Requested Fri 20 November 2020
Responded Thu 03 December 2020I would like to know:
1. The total number of trees felled by Hastings Borough Council for the years 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (up to the most recent month of available data)
For each year of data, please state and break down:
The reason for the felling of said trees
The cost to the council of felling trees
The locations of trees felled
The species of trees felled and in what capacity
If trees felled were street trees or rural
2. The total number of trees planted by Hastings Borough Council for the years 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (up to the most recent month of available data)
For each year of data, please state and break down:
The cost to the council of planting trees
The locations of trees planted
The species of trees planted and in what capacity
If trees planted were street trees or rural
3. The total number of trees under Hastings Borough Council authority in the years 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (up to the most recent month of available data)
For each year of data, please state and break down:
The locations of trees
The species of trees
If trees were street trees or rural
If you cannot provide all of the data, please provide all that is available.
If possible, please could data be sent to me in Excel, not as a PDF.
2016 - 354 trees felled
2017 - 316 trees felled
2018 - 216 trees felled
2019 - 160 trees felled
2020 - 163 trees felled
We do not hold information on the reason for the felling of said trees but to answer generally it is because they are dead or for health and safety reasons.
The cost to the council of felling trees -
The information requested in respect of the cost to the council for felling trees would require us to manually check 5 years worth of worth of orders. The orders are not just for felling but for other instructions for example, Clear fallen, pollard, crown lifting etc. We would have to go through each order and separate the information both for East Sussex County Council street trees (Highways) and our own parks and gardens and then tot up the costs for each to get the answer for Highway trees and Hastings Borough Council parks trees. This would far exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner therefore under S12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit.
We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount.
For this reason we feel unable to comply with this request.
The locations of the trees felled - Within parks and gardens and highways for the borough.
The species of trees felled - various species if the trees were street trees or rural - as mentioned above - Highways and parks
2016 - 100 trees planted
2017 - 150 trees planted
2018 - 300 trees planted
2019 - 500 trees planted
2020 - 140 trees planted
The cost to the council for tree planting £5,000
The locations of the tree planted - various locations within the borough boundary
Species of trees planted - various species
The trees planted were in parks and gardens and streets within the borough boundary.
3. No information held.
Freedom of Information
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