FOI request (FOIR-263541504)
Requested Wed 21 October 2020
Responded Wed 07 April 2021Please consider this a request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Can you please provide me with the following information:1. Please complete the table below:
Current Procurement framework provider
Current Supplier
Contract End Date
Please confirm the company that undertakes invoice validation support if applicable
Next termination date
Termination requirements for a site within your Local Authority area to exit the framework for electricity, gas and water supply contracts. Please give next key date to terminate.
Do you procure green energy?
Do you procure for any Academy Schools?
NHH Electricity
HH Electricity
Please confirm the full details of each site within your Local Authority area that are supplied either electricity, gas or water through the Local Authority contract arrangement?
Do you ask your schools portfolio to “opt in” or “opt out” at the time or prior to the termination window nearing?
Please confirm whether the Local Authority charges an annual fee to their sites to access support?
Please confirm whether the Local Authority receives any form of commission/rebate or any payment from the supplier or framework provider?
If the answer to question 4 is yes, please confirm the amount in p/kWh?
Please provide the name and full contact details of the person at the Council who is responsible for the framework agreement for electricity and gas?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Please see attached document providing the requested information.
Freedom of Information
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