FOI request (FOIR-263376739)
Council tax arrears, homelessness, commercial rents
Requested Wed 21 October 2020
Responded Thu 22 April 2021If any question would take longer than the statutory cost limit to process, please exclude that question as 'information not held' and process the remainder of this request.
Council tax
If the council does not have data for households for questions 1-3, please provide data for individuals.
Questions 1-3 refer to arrears that have accumulated with regard to 2020/21 council tax bills.
1. How many households have been issued with liability orders in relation to council tax arrears from the 2020/21 financial year?
2. How many households have been referred to bailiffs in relation to council tax arrears from the 2020/21 financial year?
3. For how many households has the council requested an attachment to benefits in relation to council tax arrears from the 2020/21 financial year?
Homelessness assistance
4. Since 1st April 2020, how many people have approached the council for help with homelessness or the threat of homelessness under the Homelessness Reduction Act?
5. Please provide the question 4 figure broken down by the month in which the approach for help was received, for each month from April to November (if available) inclusive.
6. Of the people who approached the council since 1st April 2020 for help with homelessness or the threat of homelessness under the Homelessness Reduction Act (i.e. the question 4 figure), how many have been assessed by the council as being owed the prevention duty?
7. Of the people who approached the council since 1st April 2020 for help with homelessness or the threat of homelessness under the Homelessness Reduction Act (i.e. the question 4 figure), how many have been assessed by the council as being owed the relief duty?
8. Of the people who approached the council since 1st April 2020 for help with homelessness or the threat of homelessness under the Homelessness Reduction Act (i.e. the question 4 figure), how many have been assessed by the council as being owed the main housing duty?
9. How many homeless people were supported into accommodation under the 'Everyone In' scheme in March? This question refers to the initial round of immediate support back in March, rather than any longer term assessment and support that may have occurred in subsequent months.
Commercial rents
10. How many commercial property tenants does the council have (in the council's role as landlord)?
11. Of the tenants referred to in question 10, how many are at least a month (or four weeks) in arrears on rent?
12. Of the tenants referred to in question 10, how many are at least three months (or 12 weeks) in arrears on rent?
13. What is the total amount of commercial property rent arrears that has accumulated to date during 2020/21 (where the council is the landlord)?
14. Please provide any report or analysis prepared by or for the council since March on the property values of the council's commercial property portfolio, particularly in terms of the impact of Covid and related economic effects.
Please email the information via the attached spreadsheet, except question 14.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - 0 in respect of financial year 2020/21
Q2 - 0 in respect of financial year 2020/21
Q3 - 0 in respect of financial year 2020/21
Q4 - 928 households approached the council
Q5 - Of the 928, 699 households have been assessed:
Apr = 79
May = 64
Jun = 98
Jul = 99
Aug = 107
Sep = 94
Oct = 71
Nov = 87
Q6 - 276
Q7 - 326
10 x Homeless + no priority need
1 x Homeless + priority need + unintentional – refused to cooperate (s193c(4) duty owed)
19 x Homeless + priority need + unintentional – s193(2) duty
1 x Lost contact prior to assessment
1 x Not eligible for assistance
10 x Not homeless
Q9 we had 33 people accommodated under everyone in at the end of March. We have continued to offer discretionary placements for former rough sleepers since then.
Q10 - Information not held - we do not define them in terms of commercial or non commercial.
Q11 - 212
Q12 - 73
Q13 - 51
Q14 - our latest figures are to the end of October and show an arrears of £612,165 unpaid against the invoices issued to that point. Bear in mind some tenants have been given the option to defer the payment until later in the year.
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