FOI request (FOIR-260324003)
FOI + Complaints Services
Requested Tue 13 October 2020
Responded Wed 28 October 2020Under the Freedom of Information provisions, I would be grateful if you could let me know the following information. Thank you very much for your help.
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations
1. In which department/directorate and service are your advisers on FOI/EIR located?
2. Which director has overall responsibility for the Council's FOI/EIR service?
3. If different, in which department/directorate and service are your administrators for FOI/EIR located (e.g. customer services)?
4. What IT system do you use for recording and reporting on FOIs/EIRs?
5. Do you publish responses to FOI/EIR on your website?
6. What other governance or information management subjects do your FOI/EIR advisers advise upon (e.g. subject access requests, GDPR,
police disclosure)
7. Which team or officers handle Information Commissioner cases on FOI/EIR?
8. If your FOI/EIR advisers offer advice to other bodies (e.g. parish councils, schools), please state which kinds of bodies are advised:.
9. In which department/directorate and service does your Complaints Service sit?
10. Which director has overall responsibility for the Council's Complaints Service?
11. If different, in which department/directorate and service are your administrators on Complaints located?
12. What IT system do you use for recording and reporting on complaints?
13. Which team or officers handle Ombudsman cases?
14. If your Complaints Officers offer advice to other bodies (e.g. parish councils, other authorities), please state which kinds of bodies are
15. To which bodies within the council is FOI/EIR performance reported (e.g. directorate leadership teams, senior leadership team, scrutiny
16. To which bodies within the Council is Complaints performance reported (e.g. directorate leadership teams, senior leadership team,
scrutiny committee).
1. Corporate and Democratic Services, Corporate Services Directorate
2. Jane Hartnell, Managing Director
3. N/A
4. Granicus Firmstep
5. Yes
6. N/A
7. Corporate and Democratic Services, Information Officer
8. N/A
9. Jane Hartnell, Managing Director
10. Jane Hartnell, Managing Director
11. N/A
12. No IT system used, we record on a spreadsheet and email the relevant department
13. Corporate and Democratic Services, Corporate Services Directorate
14. N/A
15. FOI/EIR performance statistics are recorded quarterly and shared with the Managing Director, Leader of the Council and Scrutiny Committee
16. Complaint performance statistics are recorded quarterly and shared with the Managing Director, Leader of the Council.
Freedom of Information
Contact us if you have a question about freedom of information.
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