FOI request (FOIR-250424087)
Local Authority Search
Requested Wed 16 September 2020
Responded Fri 02 October 2020I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from whomever deals with local authority search (also known as local land charges search) enquiries from solicitors, as part of the conveyancing process.
Could you please provide the following information:
1. Your current waiting/turnaround time for a local authority search (also known as local land charges search) enquiry to be completed. If feasible, we would like a waiting time for each type of search (LLC1, CON29, CON290). If this is not possible, a waiting time for all search types is fine.
2. Data on how many of these searches you completed in these months:
a. August 2018
b. August 2019
c. August 2020
In this instance, we only need one total search figure per month stated (not figures for LLC1, CON29, CON290). If historic data is not available, then a figure just for August 2020 if fine.
1. We are currently working at 14 days. This is for all types of searches as we process our searches in date order not by search type.
a. August 2018 - 105 searches
b. August 2019 - 95 searches
c. August 2020 - 113 Searches
Freedom of Information
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