FOI request (FOIR-244862201)
Requested Wed 02 September 2020
Responded Fri 18 September 2020I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information, up to 20th August:
1. Has your council applied for money from the Next Steps Accommodation Programme (NSAP) since it was announced on 18th July?
2. If so, how much money has been bid for?
3. How many homeless people were housed by your council, by month, under the Everyone In scheme?
Please send me the data requested in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or as a csv file
1. Yes, Hastings Borough Council has lead a bid to the NSAP on behalf of the 5 local housing authorities in East Sussex.
2. Grand totals 2020/21:
Total costs £7,314,000
Total match / income / re-purposed funding identified £2,677,200
Total capital funding requested from Next Steps Accommodation Fund 2020/21 £3,301,800
Total revenue funding requested from Next Steps Accommodation Fund 2020/21 £1,335,000
3. There are currently 110 former rough sleepers living in emergency accommodation across East Sussex.
Freedom of Information
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