FOI request (FOIR-178104369)
Job roles/titles - Waste/Housing
Requested Wed 26 February 2020
Responded Fri 13 March 2020I am writing to request your assistance relating to the various rates of pay for a research project - "Developing Subnational Purchasing Power Parities for the United Kingdom" - undertaken at Birmingham City University (and part funded with a grant from the ONS).Specifically, please could you provide the all job roles/titles and the salary associated with each role for employees working in the waste & recycling services and the housing sector. Alongside this please can you provide the headcount per job role/title.
Please see attached list of jobs/titles of our Housing and Waste teams.
In respect of salary information, this is exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 'personal data' this is an absolute exemption therefore this information will not be provided.
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