FOI request (FOIR-172868124)
Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960
Requested Thu 06 February 2020
Responded Fri 14 February 2020I am writing to you to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please send me:
The register of site licenses you are required to keep under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, specifically section twenty-five, subsection (1).
This register is available on our website under public registers, see link here;http://ws.hastings.gov.uk/Northgate/LOL/Online/EGov/License_Registers/StdResults.aspx?PT=M3%20Licensing%20Online&SC=Licence%20Type%20is%20LP7&FT=Licence%20Registers%20Search%20Results&XMLSIDE=/Northgate/LOL/SiteFiles/OnlineMenus/Licensing/Licensing.xml&XSLTemplate=/Northgate/LOL/SiteFiles/Skins/M3PP_Online/xslt/Licensing/LicenceRegistersSearchResults.xsl&PS=10&XMLLoc=/Northgate/LOL/Online/generic/XMLtemp/ey4b2h55ngdq2jv153ibm045/3347797d-e773-4ac0-bf91-edf671b33438.xml
Freedom of Information
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