FOI request (FOIR-163333836)
Burial Plots
Requested Fri 20 December 2019
Responded Thu 09 January 2020I would like to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act.
For the calendar years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, what were the charges the council imposed as the burial authority for each of the following:
-Exclusive right of burial in plot/lair for 100 years (resident and non-resident)
-Interment fee for adult with exclusive burial rights (resident and non-resident)
-Cremation fee for adult (resident and non-resident) (if applicable)
Please provide values for each cemetery within your authority.
If the fees were altered at any point during the calendar year, please instead provide the absolute value for each on December 31 of the relevant year.
For each of the above calendar years for each of the cemeteries within your authority, please also provide
-The number of individual burials which took place
-The number of individual cremations that took place (if applicable)
Please also provide the estimated required burial space for your authority to 2030, and the estimated capacity
-Total number of plots required
-Total number of plots available
If there are any upcoming provisions to expand burial capacity within your authority, please specify.
Please see the attached spread sheet containing the requested information.
The only part that has not been supplied is our estimated burial space up to 2030. Our current rates will need approx. 90 full and 90 cremated remains spaces each year.
We have a vast area within the grounds to be developed and we estimate another 30 working years of ground to go.
We are currently preparing a new section, the plan which was drawn up over 60 years ago has 1000 spaces.
Freedom of Information
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