FOI request (FOIR-162480082)
Licensed Dog Breeders
Requested Mon 16 December 2019
Responded Fri 20 December 2019Please could you provide me with the following information under the FOI Act:
1) The number of licensed dog breeders in your local authority* during the following periods:
a. 1st October 2016 - 30th September 2017
b. 1st October 2017 - 30th September 2018
c. 1st October 2018 - 30th September 2019
*If your local authority is the result of a merger and was not in existence during this period, please provide the number of licensed breeders that were licensed by the constituent local authorities before the merger.
2) For the period 1st October 2018 - 30th September 2019, could you provide the additional figures for the following:
a. The number of breeding licences issued in this period to licence holders who have bred one or two litters
b. The number of breeding licences issued in this period licence to holders who have bred three or more litters
c. A breakdown of star ratings (from 1 to 5 stars) issued to all licensed dog breeders in this period
d. The number of licence applications refused over this period
e. The number of unannounced inspections that have taken place over this period, and the number which resulted in remedial action required by the licence holder or revocation of a licence.
3) Your fee structure for licensing of dog breeding establishments.
4) The number of breeding licence holders in your authority who are part of a UKAS accredited scheme.
5) With regards to licensing condition 6.5**:
a. How many licensed breeders in your area have failed to comply with licensing condition 6.5?
b. For those in breach, what corrective action was taken?
** Licensing condition 6.5: "No dog may be kept for breeding if it can reasonably be expected, on the basis of its genotype, phenotype or state of health that breeding from it could have a detrimental effect on its health or welfare or the health or welfare of its offspring."
6) The total number of breeding bitches present at licensed premises in your local authority.
The answer to all the questions is nil for all dates.Hastings Borough Council have not had and do not currently licence any dog breeders. -
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