FOI request (FOIR-158839948)
Requested Tue 26 November 2019
Responded Thu 05 December 2019A. Highway Bond Provision
1. Please could you confirm what are the individual elements that your Authority includes within their bond requirement for all highways work for S278 and S38 agreements?
2. Please could you provide an average value for bond provision for S278 and S38agreements?
3. Please confirm what items of highway apparatus currently attract commuted sums, and what are the individual costs?
4. Would you consider using the developer obtained tender value for calculating the bond provision for S278 and S38 agreements?
5. Please could you confirm your inspection fee or percentage applicable relevant to the bond provision for S278 and S38 agreements?
B. Highway S38/S278 Timescale
Section S278 Agreements relating to residential developments during each of the past 5 financial years.
1. Please could you confirm the average time taken from technical submission to the issue of a technical approval?
2. Please could you confirm what is the average time from technical approval to the completion of a Section 278 legal agreement? i.e. legal engrossment?
3. Please could you confirm the average time to grant a Street Works Permit, post execution of the document in question 2?
4. What in your opinion is an appropriate timescale for the submission and financial execution of a S38/ 278 Agreement?
5. What improvements do you think could be made to the overall process from submission to engrossment?
6. Section 38 Road Adoptions relating to residential developments during each of the past 5 financial years.
a. Please could you confirm what is the average time taken:
b. from technical submission to technical approval to;
c. completion of a Section 38 legal agreement to;
d. commencement of the maintenance period to;
e. the date of formal adoption to;
f. notification that any bond can be cancelled.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Highways, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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