FOI request (FOIR-158783029)
External Litter Company
Requested Tue 26 November 2019
Responded Thu 19 December 2019Under the Freedom of Information Act, could Hastings Borough Council please provide me with the following information?
1. Since 1st October 2018, to date, has the council hired or been engaged in a contract with any external company to issue Fixed Penalty Notices related to littering on behalf of the council?If yes, please answer the following questions:
3. How many Fixed Penalty Notices were issued by each external company used, between 1st October 2018 and 30th September 2019?4. Were any of these fines issued for leaving domestic waste (refuse) bags out for collection outside of permitted times and if so, how many?5. What percentage of income generated from FPNs goes/went to the external company and what percentage goes/went to the council?6. What income did the council receive from FPNs issued by the external company between 1st October 2018 and 30th September 2019?7. When is the contract with the external company currently used due to expire?8. Does the council provide office space for contracted external workers?9. Do contracted external workers wear council uniforms?10. Please provide us with a copy of the contract between the council and the external company or companies referenced above. Please redact any personal information included in the contract if necessary for data protection.11. Under the terms of your contract with the private company, do environmental protection enforcers receive any financial incentives to issue FPNs?
Hastings Borough Council have not used an external company to issue fixed penalty notices within the dates listed.
Freedom of Information
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