FOI request (FOIR-158552384)
Specified Exempt Accommodation
Requested Mon 25 November 2019
Responded Fri 06 December 2019Question 1
You may have been sent a Freedom of Information Request recently which asked a number of questions about Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation (see Appendix 1), if you have received and responded to this question please send me a copy of your response or if you have a public disclosure log please provide a link to your response. In the event that you have not received this request please provide an answer to questions 1 to 6 and 9 - 12 of the questions listed in Appendix 1.
Question 2
Please provide an estimate of the gross expenditure on Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation in 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2019 financial years by the Cell Number against which the expenditure has been reported in the Council's Subsidy Claim for that year.
Question 3
In respect of the 2018/19 estimate of expenditure in Question 2 what is the name of each landlord in respect of which claims were paid and the total amount paid to each?
Question 4
How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases were receiving Housing Benefit for the week commencing 30 September and how much was the weekly gross eligible rent, split by type of accommodation (eg exempt, specified temporary etc) and the category of support (eg homelessness, drug and alcohol, mental health learning disabilities etc)?
Appendix 1
An FOI Question Answered by North Devon District Council on 2 October 2019 https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/council/data-protection-and-freedom-of-information/disclosure-log/october-2019/
1. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
2. How many Specified General Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
3. How many Specified Domestic Violence Hostel cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
4. How many Specified Local Authority Hostel cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit?
5. What is the highest eligible gross rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
6. What is the lowest eligible gross rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
7. What is the lowest core rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
8. What is the highest core rent being paid for a Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation case by Housing Benefits?
9. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are currently receiving Housing Benefit for the following eligible rent ranges: £150.00 per week eligible gross - £250.00 per week eligible?
£251.00 per week eligible gross - £300.00 per week eligible gross?
£301.00 per week eligible gross - £400.00 per week eligible gross?
Greater than £400.00 per week eligible gross?
10. How many Specified General or Exempt Supported Accommodation cases have been referred to the Rent Officer service (VOA)?
11. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation cases are being paid where the Local Authority is only receiving 60% subsidy?
12. How many Specified Exempt Supported Accommodation claims have received an 'unreasonably high' rent decision?
Question 1 = we have not received the Freedom of Information mentioned therefore, we will respond to Question 1 to 6 and 9 to 12 listed in Appendix 1.
Question 2 to 4 = zero, Information not held. The council does not have its own supported accommodation, but we do make referrals to supported accommodation.
Question 3 = n/a - Information not held
Question 4 = n/a - Information not held
APPENDIX 1 questions: Q1 to 6 and 9 to 12 - Information not held, the council does not have its own supported accommodation, domestic violence hostels or local authority hostel.
Freedom of Information
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