FOI request (FOIR-158189995)
High Rise Halls
Requested Fri 22 November 2019
Responded Wed 04 December 2019For 2019 please send me:
1. A list of high rise building* planning applications submitted to the council with the intended purpose of student housing (excel spreadsheet).
2. The planning application submitted to the council for each high rise building* intended for student housing (.pdf format).
For 2018 please send me:
3. A list of high rise building* planning applications submitted to the council with the intended purpose of student housing (excel spreadsheet).
4. The planning application submitted to the council for each high rise building* intended for student housing (.pdf format).
For 2017 please send me:
5. A list of high rise building* planning applications submitted to the council with the intended purpose of student housing (excel spreadsheet).
6. The planning application submitted to the council for each high rise building* intended for student housing (.pdf format).
This information can be obtained by undertaking an advanced search on public access via our website, utilising the key words and date range options http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/search.do?action=advanced
Freedom of Information
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