FOI request (FOIR-157866715)
Boxing Event - Sussex Coast College - 9/11/19
Requested Wed 20 November 2019
Responded Tue 26 November 2019We would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please note that this information is required to be in the public domain but is not currently available via the authority’s website.
1. Please confirm whether a boxing event which took place at Sussex Coast College, TN34 1BA on 9 November 2019 was covered by an appropriate licence under the Licensing Act 2003.
2. If the event was covered by an appropriate licence, please supply details of the Premises Licence, Temporary Event Notice, or other form of licence which applied, including any conditions of the licence relevant to ensuring the safety of boxing events.
3. Within the last three years, has the Authority refused any licence applications in relation to boxing events or imposed new conditions on a licence in relation to boxing events? If so please supply details.
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - Premises is now called East Sussex college and holds a full premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003. Boxing and Wrestling is covered under the licence Monday - Saturday 09.00 to 02.00hrs and Sunday 09.00 to 23.00hrs.
Q3 - No, only condition relating to Boxing is as follows; For Boxing/wresting events, Sussex police will be formally notified 28 days in advance of the event.
Freedom of Information
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