FOI request (FOIR-156959055)
Outdoor Two-Stroke Power Equipment
Requested Thu 14 November 2019
Responded Thu 19 December 2019I am writing to make an open government request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please send me:
[Information request - 1]
An asset list of all current petrol and battery powered handheld machinery used within your inventory with information about the make and model numbers of units and age per machine. I would like to request that this information is focused on brush cutters, blowers, chainsaws, hedge trimmers, kombi tools, pole pruners, backpack blowers and any other handheld machinery within your assets.
[Information request - 1a]
If the council has not purchased any new battery powered handheld outdoor machinery when the need to buy more equipment has arisen (since July 2018), what was the reason to continue purchasing petrol powered handheld machinery?
[Information request - 2]
The total amount of fuel in litres purchased since 24th July 2018 for use in two-stroke outdoor powered equipment as listed in Information Request 1.
[Information request - 3]
How often are the machines listed in Information Request 1 regularly serviced ?
[Information request - 4]
How many schools and health trusts facilities are maintained using the equipment listed in Information Request 1 for tasks such as leaf blowing, tree surgery, brush cutting and hedge trimming?
[Information request - 5]
Do you keep records of usage of machinery for the purpose of hand arm vibration regulations, if so please can you detail the hours of usage associated with each machine as well as how many people are trained to operate these machines for council related work throughout the year?
[Information request - 6]
Does the local authority monitor the occupational health risks associated with operator’s exposure to the inhalation of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) emissions from two-stroke machinery?
Hastings Borough Council do not own or use any of the equipment listed.
The equipment mentioned would be used by external tendered contractors.
Freedom of Information
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