FOI request (FOIR-155556847)
Fixed Penalty Notices
Requested Thu 07 November 2019
Responded Mon 09 December 20191. Can you please confirm if your organisation issued FPN's for any of the following services during 2018/19?
a) Littering
b) Dog fouling
c) Graffiti
d) Fly-posting
e) Fly-tipping
2. Can you please confirm how many FPN's your organisation issued in 2018/19 for the following offences?
a) Littering
b) Dog fouling
c) Graffiti
d) Fly-posting
e) Fly-tipping
f) Car parking offences
a) Yes
b) Yes
c) No
d) No
e) Yes
a) 408
b) 5
c) Not Applicable
d) Not Applicable
e) 4
f) 0
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