FOI request (FOIR-154821535)
Tenancy deposit
Requested Mon 04 November 2019
Responded Thu 21 November 2019I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
1. Does your local authority have a scheme to assist people with the costs of renting a property, for example with a tenancy deposit?
2. Does the scheme provide:
a. cash
b. a loan
c. a guarantee or bond
3. What is the budget for the scheme for the financial year 2019/20?
4. What are the eligibility criteria for the scheme/who can apply?
4. How can people apply for help from the scheme? (If via the website, can you please provide the URL?)
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - Yes, c. a guarantee or bond
Q3 - £180,000 for loans to finance the cost of rent in advance and deposits. £106,700 rent guarantee scheme.
Q4 - Hastings Borough Council offers interest free loans to assist households to finance the cost of rent in advance and a deposit. Households must: Be homeless or have a housing need Have a local connection (resident for 6 of the last 12 months or 3 of the last 5 years) to Hastings (unless exemptions such as rough sleeping or fleeing violence apply) Have found a property to rent that is affordable and suitable for their needs The eligibility for the guarantor scheme is different.
The scheme is available to:
• Individuals and families leaving emergency accommodation
• Individuals and families leaving supported accommodation
• Individuals and families leaving SLA leased properties
• Individuals engaging with the Rapid Rehousing Pathway (project working with clients identified as at risk of rough sleeping) All clients must have a local connection (resident for 6 of the last 12 months or 3 of the last 5 years) to Hastings (unless exemptions such as rough sleeping or fleeing violence apply), and must have found a property to rent that is affordable and suitable for their needs.
The tenancy history of clients will be looked in to, to assess if there is a risk that the client may fall into rent arrears. Each case will be assessed on an individual basis.
Q5 - All clients need to have had a face to face assessment with a Housing Options Officer. If the client is eligible for either or both schemes they will be informed at the assessment and then through on going work that the housing officer does with the client.
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