FOI request (FOIR-150968599)
Planning Policy Team
Requested Thu 17 October 2019
Responded Fri 25 October 2019I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information act 2000 to request the following information from the Planning Policy Team and or Geographical Information Systems Specialist/ Manager.
Please could the Following be requested:
· All positively and negatively assessed Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Sites (Also known as Land Availability Assessment/ Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment and can be abbreviated to SHLAA/ LAA/ SHELAA) that relate to potential residential housing of sites greater than 3 hectares.
· Their rating as either positively assessed or negatively assessed for potential development.
· For all sites that have been published in your most recent Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Document.
Please could the data be provided in the following format:
· In the Format of a SHAPE file (an ESVRI vector data storage format for storing the location, shape and attributes of Geographic Features) I appreciate that some of the features associated with these sites may be redacted.
If it is not possible to provide the information due to this request exceeding the costs/ time limits, then I would be happy to refine the request with any advice from the officer of the council dealing with the request.
Q1 - SHELAA site assessment is currently ongoing for all sites with no outcomes available at this time.
Q2 - As above
Q3 - As above, SHELAA site assessment is currently ongoing. The previous SHELAA at that time known as a SHLAA) can be found here https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/adoptedlocalplan/supportingdocs_evidencebase/evidencebasedocuments/shlaa/
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