FOI request (FOIR-150671663)
Refuse Collection
Requested Wed 16 October 2019
Responded Tue 05 November 2019I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Hastings Borough Council:
This FOI is regarding refuse collection and enforcement around it. If your council or body is not responsible for this, please let me know, and accept my apologies and disregard the questions below. I would appreciate it if you could inform me of which organisations within your area are able to help with these questions.
Within the area for which your organisation is responsible, please provide:
1. The total number (or nearest estimate) of residential recycling bins (see definition below).2. The total number of residents for which you organise refuse collection.3. The total number of residential properties for which no recycling collection is offered.4. What enforcement action do you have at your disposal if residents place rubbish in the incorrect bin, for example but not limited to, non-recyclable rubbish in the recycling bin?5. How many incidents of using the enforcement action described in point 4 have there been in the 12 months leading up to September 30th 2019.6. Please provide details of each enforcement action listed in response to point 5. If the action is a fine, please include the amount fined, and whether this has been paid. If required please assign each action an anonymous reference number for data protection purposes.7. Do you have a “timed waste collection” system? For the purposes of this FOI “timed waste collection” means specific times during the day when bins are collected, and it is not permitted for bins to be placed outside out of this time.8. What enforcement action do you have at your disposal if residents place rubbish outside for collection at the incorrect time within a day (if applicable), or day?9. How many incidents of using the enforcement action described in point 8 have there been in for each month in the 12 months leading up to September 30th 2019.10. Please provide details of each enforcement action listed in response to point 9. If the action is a fine, please include the amount fined, and whether this has been paid. If required please assign each action an anonymous reference number for data protection purposes.For the purposes of this FOI residential recycling bins are defined as any bin other than the general waste bin which are kept at the resident’s property, and the emptying of which on a regular basis is administered by your organisation. This includes, but is not limited to, food waste bins, metallic waste, plastics, mixed recycling.
Q1 - 27,000 approx
Q2 - 44,000 approx
Q3 - 44,000 approx
Q4 - Section 46 EPA and Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act
Q5 - 0
Q6 - N/A
Q7 - No
Q8 - Section 46 EPA and Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act
Q9 - 0
Q10 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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